
Blepharoplasty is performed to correct deformities of the eyelids. Like other face and neck areas, the eyelids may develop wrinkles and bulges due to either heredity or aging. Pouches, both at the inner part of the upper lids and in the lower lids, are generally due to forward pressure caused by accumulations of fat above and below the eyes. Such excess fat and excess skin are removed in the eyelid procedure. Upper lid correction is done at the same time as the lower lid surgery. Dr. Godin frequently performs the transconjunctival type of lower eyelid blepharoplasty, in which fat can be removed from behind the eyelid without making an incision in the skin.

The operation takes about one to two hours and may be performed under local anesthesia or light sedation in our office surgical suite. Patients generally experience an early return to routine living.

There is usually little or no pain in the post-operative period. Each operation is followed by varying degrees of swelling and discoloration, which usually subside within 10 days. By this time, too, the thin scars can be camouflaged by make-up. These scars gradually blend in well with the surrounding skin and, after several months, are usually visible only on close scrutiny.

Corrective surgery of aging eyelids is frequently performed in combination with facelift or eyebrow surgery.

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